Thursday, October 09, 2008

From the Project manager to the translator

Another sarcasm but this time tips another sarcasm but this time tips from the Project manager to the translator:

Assure me that you can finish 7000 words in two days and then tell me sorry, i had some problems.
-I always have backups.

Never read the instructions before you start.
-Why would you lose your time?

Disappear and go offline when you feel you won't be able to deliver your project on time.
-It's ok, I am cool

Never run your corrector to check your mistakes.
-I like a text underlined in red and green.

Ask me about the paiement before you see the file.
-I like to pay anyway.

Don't answer my calls when we are running late, pretend that you were sleeping.
-It is good for health.

Invent new words when you don't find the correct translation.
-I like invention (al 7aja oum al ikhtira3)

Send me gifts on my birthdays.
-I will give you more jobs (hell yes!!)

Don't buy a new dictionary.
-Why would you spend 50$ on a book while you can go for coffee in starbucks!! (el chatir yesma3)

Call me names when I show you some of my character.
-I never liked my name anyway.

Don't take the job when the rate is low
-I will surely keep you in mind for the next project.

Send me the file the last minute highlighting all the sentences you didn't translate.
-I like challenge and i always like to keep myself busy.

(taken from a page on Facebook)